] [
- I
- , (pron) normal arhem; nonmodal formal rhanne; inf-sup formal reh; sup-inf formal rhhae ] [
- ice
- , (n) lliash ] [
- icy
- , (adj) lliashkh ] [
- idea
- , (n) hhainein ] [
- identical
- , (adj) taenos ] [
- identification
- , (n) idhaile'edh ] [
- identify
- , (v) dhaile ] [
- idiot
- , (n) feanna ] [
- idiotic
- , (adj) ih'feanna ] [
- if
- , (conj) ve ] [
- ignorance
- , (n) askainsam ] [
- ignorant
- , (adj) askain ] [
- ignore
- , (v) askai ] [
- ill
- , (adj) llaetus ] [
- illegal
- , (adj) mensai ] [
- illegality
- , (n) mensaino ] [
- illegally
- , (adv) mensaiev ] [
- illness
- , (n) llaetus'le ] [
- illogic
- , (n) llithaai ] [
- illogical
- , (adj) ih'llithaai, emael ih'thaai ] [
- illuminate
- , (v) mosliorae ] [
- illumination
- , (n) imosliorae'edh ] [
- illustrious
- , (adj) dheyyan ] [
- imaginable
- , (adj) laiyhalho ] [
- imaginably
- , (adv) laiyhalhoev ] [
- imagination
- , (n) ilaiyha'edh ] [
- imaginative
- , (adj) laiyha'elh ] [
- imaginatively
- , (adv) laiyha'elhev ] [
- imagine
- , (v) laiyha ] [
- imagined
- , (adj) laiyha'eri ] [
- immortal
- , (adj) daeinos ] [
- immortality
- , (n) daeinosno ] [
- impact
- , (v) morhhae; (n) temmorhhae ] [
- impatience
- , (n) laepissam ] [
- impatient
- , (adj) laepis ] [
- impatiently
- , (adv) laepisev ] [
- imperfect
- , (v) llistaere ] [
- imperfection
- , (n) lliistaere'edh ] [
- imperial
- , (adj) ih'nneikha; ih'Shiar used only in relation to RSE ] [
- Imperial
- , Legion (n) Rei'kara ] [
- Imperial
- , Legionnaire(s) personal guards of the Praetorate (n) Rei'karanha (plural Rei'karansu) ] [
- importance
- , (n) ikaesis'le ] [
- important
- , (adj) ikaesis; important or consequential thing (n) ehief ] [
- impose
- , (v) faeor ] [
- imposing
- , (adj) faeorenh ] [
- imposingly
- , (adv) faeorenhev ] [
- imposition
- , (n) ifaeoredh ] [
- impress
- , (v) dyynl ] [
- impressive
- , (adj) dyynlenh ] [
- imprison
- , (v) aulhta ] [
- imprisoned
- , (adj) aulhta'eri ] [
- imprisonment
- , (n) temaulhta ] [
- improve
- , (v) ilaere ] [
- improvement
- , (v) temilaere ] [
- impulse
- , drive/power (n) optrao ] [
- in
- , (prep) hrrau, h'rau; temporal sense (postp) dha ] [
- inability
- , (n) nuhur'le alehum ] [
- inabundant
- , (adj) emael ih'aefau ] [
- inacceptibility
- , (n) nuhur'le neisslhonom ] [
- inaccessibility
- , (n) nuhur'le kheahlhonom ] [
- inaccessible
- , (adj) emael kheahlho ] [
- inaction
- , (n) nuhur'le ireaanh ] [
- inactive
- , (adj) emael irae'elh ] [
- inactivity
- , (n) nuhur'le irea'elhno ] [
- inadvisable
- , (adj) emael auethlho ] [
- inattentive
- , (adj) emael vaednelh ] [
- inauspicious
- , (adj) emael haedor ] [
- inauspiciously
- , (adj) emael haedorev ] [
- incessant
- , (adj) llikhoieri ] [
- incessantly
- , (adv) llikhoieriev ] [
- incident
- , (n) caehhere ] [
- incidental
- , (adj) ih'caehhere ] [
- incidentally
- , (adv) caehhere'ev ] [
- include
- , (v) yana ] [
- including
- , (adj) yana'enh ] [
- inclusion
- , (n) iyana'edh ] [
- inclusive
- , (adj) yana'elh ] [
- inclusivity
- , (n) yana'elhno ] [
- incompetence
- , (n) nnulhlle'le ] [
- incompetent
- , (adj) nnulhlle; insult (adj) dyypan ] [
- incompetently
- , (adv) nnulhlle'ev ] [
- inconclusive
- , (adj) emael nihnakelh ] [
- inconclusively
- , (adv) emael nihnakelh ] [
- inconsequential
- , (adj) emael ih'ehief ] [
- increase
- , (v) horaem; (n) temhoraem ] [
- increasing
- , (adj) horaemenh ] [
- increasingly
- , (adv) horaemenhev ] [
- indecision
- , (n) nuhur'le inihnakedhai ] [
- indecisive
- , (adj) emael inihnakedh ] [
- indecisively
- , (adv) emael inihnakedhev ] [
- indeed
- , (adv) rhe've; fig. "indeed, is that so, oh yeah?" (int) rha, rh'e ] [
- independence
- , (n) daemnh ] [
- independent
- , (adj) daemnhkh ] [
- independently
- , (adv) daemnhkhev ] [
- indigestion
- , (n) honhos ] [
- indigo
- , (adj) khein ] [
- indubitable
- , (adj) emael yyitailho ] [
- indubitably
- , (adv) emael yyitailhoev ] [
- industrialization
- , (n) imos'zohhemedh ] [
- industrialize
- , (v) mos'zohhem ] [
- industry
- , (n) zohhem ] [
- industrial
- , (adj) ih'zohhem ] [
- infect
- , (v) daengi ] [
- infection
- , (n) idaengiedh ] [
- infectious
- , (adj) idaengiedhai ] [
- inferior
- , (adj) dipsae ] [
- inferiority
- , (n) dipsaeno ] [
- infirm
- , (adj) taeron ] [
- infirmary
- , (n) taeron'dhenn ] [
- infirmity
- , (n) taeronno ] [
- inflict
- , (v) faeor ] [
- infliction
- , (n) ifaeoredh ] [
- influence
- , (n) temkardai; (v) kardai ] [
- inform
- , (v) draene ] [
- informant
- , (adj, n) draeneasi ] [
- informative
- , (adj) draene'elh ] [
- informatively
- , (adv) draene'elhev ] [
] [
- informer
- , (n) draeneasi ] [
- informal
- , (adj) emael ekhokasi ] [
- informality
- , (n) nuhur'le ekhokasin ] [
- informally
- , (adv) emael ekhokasi ] [
- information
- , (n) idraene'edh, aedn'voi; data (n) pathal; intelligence (n) tlaru ] [
- infrequent
- , (adj) crafain ] [
- infrequently
- , (adv) crafainev ] [
- inhabit
- , (v) maehni ] [
- inhabitant
- , (n) maehniasi ] [
- initial
- , (adj) nuhwir ] [
- initialization
- , (n) imos'hwiedh ] [
- initialize
- , (v) mos'hwi ] [
- initially
- , (adv) hwiev ] [
- injure
- , (v) gustai; physically (v) hiakha ] [
- injured
- , (adj) gustaieri; physically (adj) hiakha'eri ] [
- injury
- , (n) gustaielh; physical, to a person (n) hiakhifv ] [
- injustice
- , (n) uykirrh ] [
- innocent
- , (adj) mhhamn ] [
- insane
- , (adj) nohtho; drive sb insane (v) mosnohtho ] [
- insanely
- , (adv) nohthoev ] [
- insanity
- , (n) nohthono ] [
- inside
- , (prep) hrrafv ] [
- insignificant
- , (adj) saj ] [
- insist
- , (v) baorse ] [
- insistence
- , (n) baorseifv ] [
- insistent
- , (adj) baorse'enh ] [
- insolubility
- , (n) nuhur'le komheilhono ] [
- insoluble
- , (adj) emael komheilho ] [
- inspect
- , (v) ahyan ] [
- inspection
- , (n) ahyan ] [
- inspector
- , (n) ahyannen ] [
- inspectorate
- , (n) eir'ahyannen ] [
- inspiration
- , (n) imnashe'edh ] [
- inspire
- , (v) mnashe ] [
- instead
- , of (adv, prep) hrrauta ] [
- instinct
- , (n) pehhaer ] [
- instinctive
- , (adj) pehhaerai ] [
- institute
- , (n) catoena; (v) moscatoena ] [
- instruct
- , (v) ernrae ] [
- instruction
- , (n) iernrae'edh; instruction book documentation (n) laihen ] [
- instructive
- , (adj) ernrae'elh ] [
- instructor
- , (n) ernraenen ] [
- instrument
- , (n) iarr'voi; instrument panel (n) uasharr ] [
- insubordinate
- , (adj) argere ] [
- insubordination
- , (n) argeresam ] [
- insubstantial
- , (adj) draeihh ] [
- insult
- , (n) temdesaise; (v) desaise ] [
- insulting
- , (adj) desaise'enh ] [
- insurrection
- , (n) tillaer ] [
- intellect
- , (n) tintear ] [
- intellectual
- , (adj) tintearaes ] [
- intelligence
- , information (n) tlaru; understanding (n) tainct; intelligence agent (n) khile'hrei ] [
- intelligent
- , (adj) tainctai ] [
- intend
- , (v) mhaeli ] [
- intent
- , (adj) mhaelielh ] [
- intention
- , (n) imhaeliedh ] [
- intentional
- , (adj) imhaeliedhaes ] [
- intentionally
- , (adv) imhaeliedhaesev, tempaer ] [
- intently
- , (adv) mhaelielhev ] [
- interest
- , (n) temtendaer; (v) tendaer ] [
- interesting
- , (adj) tendaerenh ] [
- interfere
- , (v) mostaorhum ] [
- interference
- , (n) taorhum ] [
- intermediary
- , (n) lehrei ] [
- interpret
- , (v) fvaeihh ] [
- interpretation
- , (n) ifvaeihhedh ] [
- interpreter
- , (n) fvaeihhnen ] [
- interrogate
- , (v) umaere ] [
- interrogation
- , (n) iumaere'edh ] [
- interrogative
- , (adj) nihroielh ] [
- interrogatively
- , (adv) nihroielhev ] [
- interrupt
- , (v) secaere ] [
- interruption
- , (n) isecaere'edh ] [
- intestine
- , (n) irrhae ] [
- into
- , (prep) hrao, hrrafv ] [
- intolerable
- , (adj) emael sseihhilho ] [
- intolerably
- , (adj) emael sseihhilhoev ] [
- intoxicate
- , (v) mos'hhaes ] [
- intoxicated
- , (adj) hhaes; become intoxicated (v) nhraihhaes ] [
- intoxication
- , (n) ihhaesedh ] [
- introduce
- , (v) ulaere ] [
- introduction
- , (n) iulaere'edh ] [
- introductory
- , (adj) ulaereasi ] [
- invade
- , (v) sipaere ] [
- invader
- , (n) sipaerenen ] [
- invariability
- , (n) lliaheimn'lhono ] [
- invariable
- , (adj) emael aheimn'lho ] [
- invariably
- , (adv) emael aheimn'lhoev ] [
- invasion
- , (n) isipaere'edh ] [
- invasive
- , (adj) sipaere'elh ] [
- invent
- , (v) saidere ] [
- invention
- , (n) isaidere'edh ] [
- inventive
- , (adj) saidere'elh ] [
- inverse
- , (adj; n) ieuyyelh ] [
- inversely
- , (adv) ieuyyelhev ] [
- inversion
- , (n) iieuyyedh ] [
- invert
- , (v) ieuyy ] [
- inverted
- , (adj) ieuyyeri ] [
- invest
- , (v) suvchagh ] [
- investment
- , (n) suvchaghelh ] [
- invisible
- , (adj) emael khaeilho ] [
- invisibly
- , (adv) emael khaeilhoev ] [
- invisibility
- , (n) nuhur'le khaeilhom ] [
- invitation
- , (n) imehremreiedh ] [
- invite
- , (v) mehremrei ] [
- ion
- , (n) ibaere ] [
- ionic
- , (adj) ih'ibaere ] [
- ionization
- , (n) imosibaere'edh ] [
- ionize
- , (v) mosibaere ] [
- iron
- , (n) yyhaeih ] [
- irregular
- , (adj) emael dyyhkrai ] [
- irregularity
- , (n) nuhur'le dyyhkrain ] [
- irregularly
- , (adv) emael dyyhkraiev ] [
- irritable
- , (adj) llaehas ] [
- irritant
- , (n) llaehasasi ] [
- irritate
- , (v) mosllaehas ] [
- irritating
- , (adj) mosllaehasenh ] [
- irritation
- , (n) imosllaehasedh ] [
- island
- , (n) mnhaell'hu ] [
- it
- , (nom pron) aei ] [