] [
- oath
- , (n) kinaen ] [
- obey
- , comply (v) aehfvi; practice (v) mulaere ] [
- object
- , (n) taram; (v) kaeust ] [
- objection
- , (adj) ikaeustedh ] [
- objective
- , goal (n) kaodt ] [
- obligation
- , (n) talla ] [
- oblige
- , so to do sth, e.g. (v) mostalla ] [
- oblique
- , (adj) ih'meraehh ] [
- obliterate
- , (v) paedei ] [
- observant
- , (adj) draere'asi ] [
- observation
- , (n) idraere'edh ] [
- observe
- , (v) draere; practice (v) firhai; "observe caution" ahrrein'firh ] [
- observer
- , (n) draerenen ] [
- obstacle
- , (n) ienfaeredh ] [
- obstruct
- , (v) enfaer ] [
- obstruction
- , (n) ienfaeredh ] [
- obtain
- , (v) haenai ] [
- occupation
- , (n) ienemae'edh ] [
- occupy
- , (v) enemae ] [
- occur
- , (v) dermai ] [
- occurence
- , (n) caehhere ] [
- ocean
- , (n) aekhwinarrae ] [
- odd
- , uneven (adj) aendon; strange (adj) lhamhe ] [
- oddity
- , (n) lhamheno ] [
- odor
- , (n) daenhh ] [
- of
- , made of (prep) nnea ] [
- offal
- , (n) hnaev ] [
- offend
- , (v) ainhha ] [
- offender
- , (n) ainhhanen ] [
- offense
- , (n) temainhha ] [
- offensive
- , (adj) ainhha'elh ] [
- office
- , (n) hnahfvier ] [
- officer
- , (n) saehne; communications officer (n) khhae'saehne ] [
- official
- , (adj) ih'hnahfvier ] [
- officially
- , (adv) hnahfvierev ] [
- offshoot
- , (n) ahtma ] [
- offspring
- , (n) veoth ] [
- often
- , (adv) raeler ] [
- okay
- , (adj) gaenoh ] [
- old
- , (adj) ira; former; not new (adj) graes ] [
- omission
- , (n) iyyambae'edh ] [
- omit
- , (v) yyambae ] [
- on
- , (prep) hrrau; on top (postp) mibh ] [
- once
- , (adv) joaie; at once (adv) hwill ] [
- one
- , (num) hwi; one hundred (num) khu ] [
- only
- , (adv) dvaer ] [
] [