] [
- abandon
- , (v) ehlu ] [
- abandoned
- , (adj) ehlu'eri (CSDR spelling: ehluenh) ] [
- abandonment
- , (n) ehluelh ] [
- abhor
- , (v) llillea ] [
- abhorrence
- , (n) llillealhono ] [
- abhorrent
- , (adj) llillealho ] [
- abhorrently
- , (adv) llillealhoev ] [
- ability
- , (n) alehu ] [
- able
- , (adj) aled ] [
- ably
- , (adv) aledev ] [
- abnormal
- , (adj) emæ'dyyh'krai (Alt. spelling: emae'dyyh'krai) ] [
- abnormality
- , (n) emæ'dyyh'kraino (Alt. spelling: emae'dyyh'kraino) ] [
- abnormally
- , (adv) emæ'dyyh'krai'ev (Alt. spelling: emae'dyyh'krai'ev) ] [
- above
- , (adv) ærrh (Alt. spelling: aerrh). (n) area above, ærrh (Alt. spelling: aerrh) ] [
- absence
- , (n) nuhur'le ] [
- absent
- , (adj) nuhur ] [
- absently
- ,(adv) nuhurev ] [
- absorb
- , (v) atræm (Alt. spelling: atraem) ] [
- absorbent
- , (adj) atræmolh (Alt. spelling: atraemolh) ] [
- absorption
- , (n) iatræmedh (Alt. spelling: iatraemedh) ] [
- abundance
- , (n) æfau (Alt. spelling: aefau) ] [
- abundant
- , (adj) ih'æfau (Alt. spelling: ih'aefau) ] [
- abundantly
- , (adv) ih'æfauev (Alt. spelling: ih'aefau'ev) ] [
- abuse
- , (n) æhyy (Alt. spelling: aehyy).. (v) misuse, mistreat, æhyy (Alt. spelling: aehyy);; hurt, injure, dirhæ (Alt. spelling: dirhae) ] [
- abused
- , (adj) misused, mistreated, æhyy'eri (Alt. spelling: aehyy'eri); hurt, injured, dirhæ'eri (Alt. spelling: dirhae'eri) ] [
- abusive
- , (adj) æhyy'elh (Alt. spelling: aehyy'elh) ] [
- abusively
- , (adv) æhyy'elhev (Alt. spelling: aehyy'elhev) ] [
- Academy
- , (n) Galae training center, Phi'lasasam ] [
- accelerate
- , (v) reuvh ] [
- accelerated
- , (adj) reuvh'eri(Alt. spelling: reuvheri) ] [
- acceleration
- , (n) ireuvhedh ] [
- accelerator
- , (n) reuvhnen ] [
- accept
- , (v) neiss ] [
- acceptability
- , (n) neisslhono ] [
- acceptable
- , (adj) neisslho ] [
- acceptably
- , (adv) neisslhoev(Alt. spelling: neisslho'ev) ] [
- acceptance
- , (n) temneiss ] [
- accepted
- , (adj) neiss'eri(Alt. spelling: neisseri) ] [
- access
- , (n) kheah. (v) kheah ] [
- accessibility
- , (n) kheahlhono ] [
- accessible
- , (adj) kheahlho ] [
- accident
- , (n) oiidh ] [
- accidental
- , (adj) ih'oiidh ] [
- accidentally
- , (adv) ih'oiidhev ] [
- accommodate
- , (v) ahwæ (Alt. spelling: ahwae) ] [
- accomodation
- , (n) i'ahwæedh (Alt. spelling: i'ahwae'edh) ] [
- accompanied
- , (adj) haodt'eri(Alt. spelling: haodteri) ] [
- accompaniment
- , (n) temhaodt ] [
- accompany
- , (v) haodt ] [
- accompanying
- , (adj) haodt'enh (CSDR spelling: haodtanh) ] [
- accomplish
- , (v) sthe ] [
- accomplished
- , (adj) sthe'eri ] [
- accomplishment
- , (n) raon; temsthe
- accord
- , (n) hoær (Alt. spelling: hoaer) ] [
- according to
- , (prep + gen) mh'hoær nnea (Alt. spelling: mh'hoaer nnea) ] [
- accumulate
- , (v) taith ] [
- accumulated
- , (adj) taith'eri(Alt. spelling: taitheri) ] [
- accumulation
- , (n) itaithedh ] [
- accumulative
- , (adj) taith'elh(Alt. spelling: taithelh) ] [
- accusation
- , (n) iswuiledh ] [
- accusative
- , (adj) swuil'elh (Alt. spelling: swuilelh) ] [
- accusatory
- , (adj) swuil'enh (CSDR spelling: swuilanh) ] [
- accuse
- , (v) swuil ] [
- accused
- , (adj) swuil'eri (Alt. spelling: swuileri) ] [
- accuser
- , (n) swuilnen ] [
- ache
- , (n) rheis. (v) rheis ] [
- achieve
- , (v) khuæ (Alt. spelling: khuae) ] [
- achievement
- , (n) temkhuæ (Alt. spelling: temkhuae) ] [
- achiever
- , (n) khuænen (Alt. spelling: khuaenen) ] [
- acid
- , (n) nnoihr ] [
- acidic
- , (adj) ih'nnoihr ] [
- acquire
- , (v) kæth (Alt. spelling: kaeth) ] [
- acquired
- , (adj) kæth'eri (Alt. spelling: kaetheri) ] [
- acquisition
- , (n) ikæthedh (Alt. spelling: ikaethedh) ] [
- acrid
- , (adj) ilemifv ] [
- act
- , (v) kla; take action, irea ] [
- act
- , (n) deed, grukhai ] [
- action
- , (n) iireaedh (Alt. spelling: i'irea'edh) ] [
- active
- , (adj) irea'elh ] [
- activity
- , (n) irea'elhno ] [
- actual
- , (adj) rhaau (Alt. spelling: rhaau'le) ] [
- actuality
- , (n) rhaauno ] [
- actually
- , (adv) rhaau ] [
- add
- , (v) llifv ] [
- added
- , (adj) llifv'eri (Alt. spelling: llifveri) ] [
- addition
- , (n) illifvedh ] [
- additional
- , (adj) ih'illifvedh ] [
- additionally
- , (adv) illifvedhev ] [
- additive
- , (adj) llifv'elh (Alt. spelling: llifvelh). (n) illifvedh ] [
- address
- , (n) lecture, dochai. (v + dat) speak to sb, dochai ih ] [
- adhere
- , (v) ilhul ] [
- adhesive
- , (adj) ilhul'elh (Alt. spelling: ilhulelh);. (n) ilhulnen ] [
- adjacent
- , (adj) ih'ieuhh. (n) adjacent area, ieuhh ] [
- adjective
- , (n) hra'taikhos ] [
- adjust
- , (v) aorre ] [
- adjustment
- , (n) temaorre ] [
- administer
- , (v) dæsn (Alt. spelling: daesn) ] [
- administration
- , (n) action of administrating, idæsnedh (Alt. spelling: idaesnedh); group tasked with administrating, dæsn (Alt. spelling: daesn) ] [
- administrative
- , (adj) dæsn'elh (Alt. spelling: daesnelh) ] [
- administrator
- , (n) dæsnen (Alt. spelling: daesnen); "administrator" as title, fvrihai ] [
- admirable
- , (adj) eirailho ] [
- admirably
- , (adv) eirailhoev (Alt. spelling: eirailho'ev) ] [
- admiral
- , (n) senior commander, enriov ] [
- admiration
- , (n) i'eirai'edh ] [
- admire
- , (v) eirai ] [
- adroit
- , (adj) hnaai ] [
- adroitly
- , (adv) hnaai'ev ] [
- adroitness
- , (n) hnaai'le ] [
- advance
- , (v) onnta. (n) a move forwards, lit or fig, ontaelh (Alt. spelling: onta'elh) ] [
- advanced
- , (adj) progressed, onnta'eri; highly developed, duimn ] [
- advantage
- , (n) eironnta ] [
- advantageous
- , (adj) eironntano ] [
- adverb
- , (n) rotul'hwuih ] [
- adversarial
- , (adj) ih'retainir ] [
- adversary
- , (n) opponent, retænir (Alt. spelling: retaenir); sworn enemy, jihmn ] [
- advice
- , (n) aueth ] [
- advisable
- , (adj) auethlho ] [
- advise
- , (v) aueth; advise me, auethn ] [
- advisor
- , (n) auethnen ] [
- advocate
- , (n) legal, raihiw'sheh ] [
- affirm
- , (v) yie ] [
- affirmation
- , (n) iyie'edh ] [
- aft
- , (n) æhf (Alt. spelling: aehf) ] [
- after
- , (prep temporal) aihkh. (adv temporal) aihkh. (adv local) rheh ] [
- afterwards
- , (adv) aihkh ] [
- afternoon
- , (n) aihkhmiite ] [
- again
- , (adv) hlun ] [
- against
- , (adv) nelle. (prep + D) thaihnhas ] [
- agency
- , (n) titular, dhæhhr (Alt. spelling: dhaehhr); general, lehrei'dænn (Alt. spelling: lehrei'daenn) ] [
- agent
- , (n) instrument, cause, iarr'voi; representative, intermediary, lehrei ] [
- aggression
- , (n) khiedno ] [
- aggressive
- , (adj) khied ] [
- ago
- , (adv) lhai ] [
- agonize
- , (v) s'tivh iolæ (Alt. spelling: s'tivh iolae) ] [
- agonizer
- , (n) Klingon agonizer, fveolh ] [
- agonizing
- , (adj) s'tivhanh iolæ (Alt. spelling: s'tivhanh iolae) ] [
- agonizingly
- , (adv) s'tivanhev iolæ (Alt. spelling: s'tivanhev iolae) ] [
- agony
- , (n) iolæ (Alt. spelling: iolae) ] [
- agree
- , (v) assent to sth, rhai; match, ækhra (Alt. spelling: aekhra) ] [
- agreeable
- , (adj) amicable, khedak; willing, rhailho ] [
- agreement
- , (n) temrhai ] [
- agricultural
- , (adj) ih'ællæ (Alt. spelling: ih'aellae) ] [
- agriculture
- , (n) industry, ællæ (Alt. spelling: ih'aellae); science, nesthai'afwe ] [
- aid
- , (v) nveim, solære (Alt. spelling: solaere). (n) solære (Alt. spelling: solaere) ] [
- aide
- , (n) kaidha ] [
- aide-de-camp
- , (n) hmnial ] [
- air
- , (n) lhæl (Alt. spelling: lhael); the Element Jæih (Alt. spelling: Jaeih) ] [
- airless
- , (adj) llilhæl (Alt. spelling: llilhael) ] [
- airy
- , (adj) ih'lhæl (Alt. spelling: ih'lhael) ] [
- airlock
- , (n) fveill ] [
- alarm
- , (n) bhaie ] [
- alarmed
- , (adj) bhaie'eri. (v) become alarmed, bhaie ] [
- ale
- , (n) Romulan ale, kheh'irho ] [
- alert
- , (n) nhyrh. (v) nhyrh ] [
- alerted
- , (adj) nhyrheri ] [
- alien
- , (n) ssouh; derogatory, yikh. (adj) ih'ssouh, ih'yikh ] [
- alive
- , (adj) thiich ] [
- all
- , (n) en; (pron) oiuu'n, kiuu, kiuu'n, kiu. (adj) all gone, urrhaa; all's well, oiuu'n mnekha (sup>inf), oiuu'n mnek'nra (inf>sup) ] [
- alliance
- , (n) kæhht (Alt. spelling: kaehht) ] [
- allied
- , (adj) kæhhteri (Alt. spelling: kaehhteri) ] [
] [
- ally
- , (n) kæhhtnen (Alt. spelling: kaehhtnen), dhækav (Alt. spelling: dhaekav). (v) kæhht (Alt. spelling: kaehht) ] [
- allow
- , (v) hisl ] [
- allowance
- , (n) temhisl ] [
- allowed
- , (adj) hisleri ] [
- almost
- , (adv) lerev ] [
- alone
- , (adv) eial ] [
- alphabet
- , (n) Rihan writing system, efveimne ] [
- also
- , (conj) oi ] [
- alter
- , (v) aimnaa ] [
- alteration
- , (n) iaimnaaedh (Alt. spelling: i'aimnaa'edh) ] [
- alternate
- , (n) hlomaus. (v) hlomaus ] [
- alternating
- , (adj) hlomaus'enh (CSDR spelling: hlomausanh) ] [
- alternation
- , (n) ihlomausedh ] [
- although
- , (conj) mrht ] [
- altitude
- , (n) mniue ] [
- always
- , (adv) diamn ] [
- ambassador
- , (n) llairhi ] [
- ambition
- , (n) mhr'vaat ] [
- ambitious
- , (adj) mhr'vaatai (CSDR spelling: mhr'vaat'le) ] [
- amble
- , (v) yhfiri ] [
- amicable
- , (adj) khedak ] [
- amicably
- , (adv) khedakev ] [
- ammunition
- , (n) sædi (Alt. spelling: saedi) ] [
- analysis
- , (n) temnei ] [
- analyze
- , (v) hnei ] [
- ancestor
- , (n) orheika ] [
- ancestral
- , (adj) ih'orheika (CSDR spelling: orheika'le) ] [
- ancestry
- , (n) orheika'dænn (Alt. spelling: orheika'daenn) ] [
- ancient
- , (adj) ulhei ] [
- and
- , (conj) u' ] [
- Andoria
- , (n) ch'Andor ] [
- Andorian
- , (adj) Andor. (n) Andorha ] [
- angel
- , (n) jhu ] [
- angelic
- , (adj) jhuno ] [
- anger
- , (n) dhuil. (v) ihrr dhuil ] [
- angry
- , (adj) ih'dhuil ] [
- angrily
- , (adv) dhuilev ] [
- angle
- , (n) meræhh (Alt. spelling: orheika'daenn) ] [
- angular
- , (adj) ih'meræhh (Alt. spelling: orheika'daenn) ] [
- angst
- , (n) uan ] [
- animal
- , (n) ahlh. (adj) ih'ahlh ] [
- annihilate
- , (v) rhioy ] [
- annihilation
- , (n) irhioyedh ] [
- announce
- , (v) veiht; announce the presence/arrival (of) (sup>inf), oal'lhlih (s') ] [
- announcer
- , (n) veihtnen ] [
- announcement
- , (n) veiht ] [
- annoy
- , (v) ebhæ (Alt. spelling: ebhae) ] [
- annoyance
- , (n) ebhæelh (Alt. spelling: ebhae'elh) ] [
- annoyed
- , (adj) ebhæ'eri (Alt. spelling: ebhae'eri) ] [
- another
- , (pron) koemæ (Alt. spelling: koemae); hra'- (+ n) ] [
- answer
- , (n) dhroi. (v) dhroi ] [
- answerable
- , (adj) dhroilho ] [
- antecenturion
- , (equiv to Starfleet ensign) (n) erein ] [
- Antica
- , (n) ch'Antikh ] [
- Antican
- , (adj) Antikh. (n) Antikh'ha ] [
- antidote
- , (n) against artificial poisons, ssifefva; against natural poisons, antivenin, ssifegho ] [
- antimatter
- , (n) nvihha ] [
- any
- , (pron) of a group, ehrr. (adj) some, siufve. (adv) any way, khrisa ] [
- anybody
- , (pron) rilhta ] [
- anyone
- , (pron) isæha (Alt. spelling: isaeha) ] [
- anything
- , (pron) khru ] [
- anything
- , (pron) eriuu ] [
- anytime
- , (adv) khefv ] [
- anywhere
- , (adv) khira ] [
- apartment
- , (n) flat, takas'rhe; building, takas ] [
- apologetic
- , (adj) veherr'elh (Alt. spelling: veherrelh) ] [
- apologetically
- , (adv) veherr'elhev (Alt. spelling: veherrelhev) ] [
- apologize
- , (v) veherr ] [
- apology
- , (n) veherr; Non-Apology, veherr'ihlan ] [
- apparent
- , (adj) ih'hhætn (Alt. spelling: ih'hhaetn) ] [
- apparently
- , (adv) hhætnev (Alt. spelling: ih'hhaetnev) ] [
- appear
- , (v) build up, take form, hhwai; come, mairi; seem, hhætn (Alt. spelling: hhaetn) ] [
- appearance
- , (n) hhætnelh (Alt. spelling: hhaetnelh) ] [
- appease
- , (v) fvin ] [
- ascribe
- , (v) ærlhi (Alt. spelling: aerlhi) ] [
- apprehensive
- , (adj) aæmir (Alt. spelling: aaemir) ] [
- apprehensively
- , (adv) aæmirev (Alt. spelling: aaemirev) ] [
- approach
- , (v) e.g. to propose sth, ekhau; become nearer, iurrhi; come (unexpectedly), mrei
- Arbaz
- , (n) Arbhas ] [
- Arbazan
- , (adj) Arbhas. (n) Arbhasha ] [
- arch
- , (n) gaih ] [
- archway
- , (n) gaih ] [
- Arcturian
- , (adj) Arkhtur. (n) Arkhturha ] [
- Arcturus
- , (n) ch'Arkhtur ] [
- area
- , (n) vicinity, premises, lai; a neighboring or adjacent area, ieuhh, hhæhh (Alt. spelling: hhaehh); (large) region, kalanam ] [
- Argelian
- , (adj) Arghel. (n) Arghelha ] [
- Argelius
- , (n) ch'Arghelh ] [
- argue
- , (v) iyhwe; argue with sb, iyhwe (+ dat) ] [
- arm
- , (n) body part, hænhe (Alt. spelling: haenhe); offshoot, branch, ahtma. (v) s'tivh ya ] [
- armed
- , (adj) ya ] [
- armoury
- , (n) aihnlorrh ] [
- arms
- , (n) small weapons, teidr ] [
- army
- , (n) draao ] [
- around
- , (prep, adv) hræfva (Alt. spelling: hraefva) ] [
- arousal
- , (n) sangais'le ] [
- arouse
- , (v) mossangais ] [
- aroused
- , (adj) sangais ] [
- arousing
- , (adj) mossangais'enh (Alt. spelling: mossangaisenh) ] [
- arrest
- , (n) iera. (v) iera ] [
- arrival
- , (n) oali, temhilai ] [
- arrive
- , (v) attain, dhaie; get somewhere, hilai ] [
- art
- , (n) lvhiet ] [
- artisan
- , (n) æthhon (Alt. spelling: aethhon) ] [
- artist
- , (n) lvhietasi, æthhon (Alt. spelling: aethhon) ] [
- artistic
- , (adj) ih'lvhiet ] [
- artistically
- , (adv) lvhietev ] [
- artistry
- , (n) lvhiet'le ] [
- as
- , (conj) nim. (prep) as far as, ru ] [
- ascend
- , (v) vailiu ] [
- ashen
- , (adj) rehillh ] [
- ask
- , (v) a question, nihroi; request, stheirhn ] [
- assault
- , (n) arkhiann. (v) arkhiann ] [
- assemble
- , (v) pæti (Alt. spelling: paeti) ] [
- assembly
- , (n) pæti (Alt. spelling: paeti); of people, ætheaa (Alt. spelling: aetheaa); of objects, bressas ] [
- assent
- , (n) rhai. (v) rhai ] [
- assert
- , (v) to be true, yie ] [
- assertion
- , (n) iyie'edh ] [
- asset
- , (n) iæhhs (Alt. spelling: iaehhs) ] [
- assist
- , (v) irhis ] [
- assistance
- , (n) temilhis ] [
- assistant
- , (n) irhisnen. (adj) in titles, diserhn ] [
- asteroid
- , (n) ihrh ] [
- at
- , (prep) hrrau, h'rau ] [
- atom
- , (n) fvinnash ] [
- atomic
- , (adj) ih'fvinnash ] [
- atop
- , (D + post) mibh ] [
- attach
- , (v) lleifv ] [
- attache
- , (n) lleifven ] [
- attached
- , (adj) lleifv'eri (Alt. spelling: lleifveri) ] [
- attachment
- , (n) lleifvelh ] [
- attack
- , (n) temerrhi. (v) errhi ] [
- attacker
- , (n) errhinen ] [
- attain
- , (v) dhaie ] [
- attainment
- , (n) temdhaie ] [
- attempt
- , (n) temeidæ (Alt. spelling: temeidae). (v) eidæ (Alt. spelling: eidae) ] [
- attend
- , (v) care for, aihei; meeting, etc, vædn (Alt. spelling: vaedn) ] [
- attention
- , (n) æmni (Alt. spelling: aemni). (v) pay attention, s'tivh æmni (Alt. spelling:s'tivh aemni) ] [
- attentive
- , (adj) vædn'elh (Alt. spelling: vaednelh) ] [
- attentively
- , (adv) vædn'elhev (Alt. spelling: vaednelhev) ] [
- attentiveness
- , (n) vædn'elh'le (Alt. spelling: vaednelh'le) ] [
- attract
- , (v) l'lorel ] [
- attracted
- , (adj) l'lorel'eri (Alt. spelling: l'loreleri) ] [
- attraction
- , (n) il'loreledh ] [
- attractive
- , (adj) l'lorel'eri (Alt. spelling: l'lorel'ei) ] [
- attractively
- , (adv) l'lorel'eriev (Alt. spelling: l'lorelei'ev) ] [
- attribute
- , (n) ærlhi (Alt. spelling: aerlhi). (v) ærlhi (Alt. spelling: aerlhi) ] [
- attributed
- , (adj) ærlhi'eri (Alt. spelling: aerlhieri) ] [
- aunt
- , (n) paternal, rinam-di'ranai; maternal, rinam-ri'nanai ] [
- auspicious
- , (adj) hædor (Alt. spelling: haedor) ] [
- authority
- , (n) power (legal/social), efveh; commission, eireth ] [
- authorise
- , (v) hisl ] [
- authorisation
- , (n) ihisledh ] [
- authorised
- , (adj) hisl'eri (Alt. spelling: hisleri) ] [
- avenge
- , (v) kholh ] [
- avenger
- , (n) kholhnen; poetic ra'kholh ] [
- avenue
- , (n) lonveni ] [
- awake
- , (adj) khumæ (Alt. spelling: khumae) ] [
- awaken
- , (v) s'tivh khumæ (Alt. spelling: s'tivhkhumae) ] [
- award
- , (n) sagomh. (v) sagomh ] [
- away
- , (adv) uæ (Alt. spelling: uae) ] [
- away
- , (prep) from, uænn (Alt. spelling: uaenn). (n) away team, ahyan ] [